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The Final Project

This was quite an interesting project to do, I'm really happy how I've managed to nearly use all the things we learned through out this...

Interactivity Project Peer Feedback

I was paired Marvin Argueta who has made quite an interesting piece of art, it kind of reminded me of an optical illusion type of art....

P5 Final Project Idea

After seeing the ski game, I got a interesting game idea, well it technically a few but they are practically the same but the difference...

P5 HW 3

Made a super simple interactive code, a ball that is tracked by the mouse and depending on what button is pressed, it sets a different...

P5 HW 2

Figuring out how to shift the y coordinate of the ball was very simple, but I had to go through a few iterations of the code. The first...

P5 hw 1

So I decided to make a house drawing in P5, technically there are 3 layers to the main house part of the drawing, the inside, window, and...

Midterm GM version

After 10 beta versions and finally putting in the notes for the songs the project is complete. The project I worked on is basically a...

Midterm Beta

After 10 beta version, we have a stable code and wiring that work as intended

Midterm Project v.Alpha

I have created basically a blueprint for the breadboard (using an app called Fritzing) along with the alpha version of the code. I am...

Assignment 6

Midterm BRAINSTORM: I'm thinking of making a box that would make use of the range sensor, and depending on the distance play a song. Each...

Assignment 5

This assignment was quite was very fun, what I made sounds more like a alarm or siren, but working with photo-resistor kinda gave me an...

Assignment 4

Making the code for this was very fun, the wiring work that I've made logically makes sense but my second button didn't want to work, but...

Assignment 3

A simple circuit consisting of two LEDs and use a button, but I add a small delay between the two LEDs. I did try adding in another led...

Assignment 2

The block coding makes programing the micro-bit super easy, but I think once I understand how each of those blocks are written, I want...

Interactive Art

Link: Surreal Sandbox Simulation - it uses Microsoft's Kinect...

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